Thursday, June 28, 2007


Why is it that when you try and keep someone close, or include them, you only get pushed away? Heaven forbid I care. Is there really something that annoyingly wrong about me? Or do I just have assholes for amigos. Either oor, I think I may stop trying, just to see who stays. The true friends should want to help and be around me, I shouldn't have to be the only one who tries.
Im just the jealous type. I always have been. When someone one-ups me on someones friend list, Im almost offended. I need to grow up and stop being such a baby about life. For gods sake, E, move on. Theres nothing worse then being stuck in the past- and you're doing it all over again. Relax. Let go. Stop trying so hard. Thats what scrwews you over to begin with.
Katie says that people have become more clique-ish lately, and although I always saw her point, I think its just becoming more and more evident to me as the time and days go by. Katie says we should all kind of step back and be a bit more open, but Brad says theres nothing wrong with having a group of people to hang out with. I understand both points, but I don't want to react to either when Im not sure on my own standing with those people in the group of friends.
Fuck, I have such low self confidence. Who really cares? Because I can't say myself that I want alot, or any. I can't feel comfortable talking about either, because of the friends issue above- nor do I like talking about anything going on with me. I think the second someone finds this blog will bne mortifying- maybe it'll be more relaxing and whatnot, but doubt it. I've got enough to hide, I don't feel like worrying about this aswell.

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